Spoiler, it’s TinyUX
(Weird images generated by Stable Diffusion)

You’re in the shower with a great idea. You want to share it with your team RIGHT NOW, what do you do?
Option 1: Whiteboard
The wall of the shower is practically a whiteboard, so let’s put that to use! You take your markers and start drawing.

The bad
- You look like you are going crazy.
- You might need special expensive markers.
- To share you need to take a picture with your phone, or invite others to join your shower.
The good
- Quick.
- You’ll never feel more creative!
Best for: If you are brainstorming by yourself on something brand new.
Option 2: Paper

The bad
- It can be difficult to focus, knowing it will be unreadable soon.
- The paper might fall apart in little pieces of brilliance.
The good
- The stains created by the water can be beautiful!
- It’s cheap!
Best for: people whose shower is broken.
Option 3: Laptop

Surely it has crossed your mind. Will what if you did?
The bad
- You’ll almost certainly kill your laptop.
- You may seriously hurt yourself.
- Desktop software & subscriptions of web apps can be expensive.
The good
- All the features you know and love from work.
Best for: people who are not risk averse. Remember to never actually do this!
Option 4: Mobile wireframing with TinyUX

Yes! You can do simple wireframing on mobile, because it’s grid based. No issues like dragging of boxes for alignment. The visual consistent style is both clear and a friendly invitation for feedback.
The bad
- You are on tinyux.app there is no bad!
- Well perhaps, there might be. Share your ideas on improving TinyUX on Twitter @tinyUXapp or Telegram t.me/tinyux.
The good
- Tap tap tap some icons to create wireframe & export image. Done!
- No account required.
- No subscription.
- No ads.
- No text, so for all languages.
- Single cheap purchase.
- Free trial version available.
Best for: to quickly visualize your thoughts. You tap tap tap and share the image.